Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What to pack for BMT

I am packing pretty lightly but there are a few things I really wanted to pick out ahead of time. Here is the most current packing list. :)

I am bringing things in my own black tactical bag, but we will be issued a new one at BMT. I'm good with that, I didn't buy this backpack solely for BMT, I got it for hiking and it has had a lot of love, so I'm pretty stoked about getting a new one!

I am bringing:

  • important documents- all in an "accordion" folder including but not limited to my SS card, copies of my husband's and kid's SS cards, actual certified copy of my marriage license, my actual birth certificate, copies of my kid's and husband's birth certificates, sealed official copies of my college transcripts, etc. 
  • drivers license, DoD dependent ID, and $20 cash 
  • toiletries- travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, and q-tips (again, these are all issued, but I need them during the hotel stay)
  • conservative makeup- mineral foundation, eyebrow pencil, small tube of concealer and facial moisturizer. That's it, nothing else. I'm going to have my husband ship the rest of my makeup to me once I'm at tech school.  I'm only bringing these with the hope that I'll be permitted to use them for photos and graduation. 
  • full-sized tooth brush (this is supplied to us now, but I need it for the hotel stay the night before anyway, and it can't hurt to have an extra on hand)
  • feminine hygiene stuff- it was recommended to me to bring 2 week's worth 
  • 2 t-shirts, 2 extra pairs of pants (including a pair of nice khakis, as jeans are not authorized for wearing on the way to tech school), 3 pairs of socks 
  • 7 pairs of black conservative underwear, my recruiter calls these "granny panties" but they don't have to be briefs like what elderly women wear, lol, as long as they are conservative. No thongs or other revealing cuts. 
  • 7 sports bras and one "regular" underwire t-shirt bra for wearing with blues
  • 3 pairs of black compression shorts- I may purchase more at the BX upon arrival but I was told 3 would be enough 
  • lint-removing sticky roller (It isn't on the list, but I know I'll want to keep my blues lookin' sharp)  
  • mini notebook and one blue pen (we will be issued a regular notebook and pens, so I don't see the point in bringing more) 
  • shower shoes- the ones that are issued are one-size-fits-all and I wanted a pair that fits my feet. They are plain, black flip flops, no decorative straps, just plastic. 
  • phone charger
  • hair ties, hair pins, bobby pins and a bun-maker all in the color of my hair 
  • sewing kit- I have a tiny mini ABU repair kit that I got from our BX 
  • small photo album with some photos
  • One black "business casual" button down shirt, apparently newly graduated Airmen are wearing business casual civvies on the way to tech school instead of their uniform. I'm assuming it's a security thing, because I think they used to be required to travel in uniform. 
  • I will be wearing my running shoes at MEPS, just one less thing to pack 
They are phasing out web belts in favor of black tactical backpacks (yay!!! This is good news!) and the backpack comes with a ton of stuff. You get all of it and you have to pay for all of it, regardless of whether or not you use all of it. It's in your best interest to try not to pack doubles. I've packed a few things that are issued, but I have specific reasons for doing so.

Members will be provided a backpack upon arrival as part of the Backpack Initiative which will have the below items provided. Member’s pay for the backpacks out of their initial clothing allowance. The backpacks are provided to make the process smoother. Members will be able to purchase any additional items needed during their flights initial shopping run at the Base Exchange (BX) upon arrival. If you have any further questions you may contact your local recruiters for further information and guidance.
Backpack Initiative –Issued Upon Arrival
1 Laundry bag -$ 7.30
4 Mesh Bags -$ 15.96
1 Pad Lock -$ 3.95
2 Writing Pens -$1.30
2 Black Sharpies -$ 1.89
4 Brown Towels -$ 10.00
4 Blousing straps -$ 2.00
1 Flashlight -$ 9.30
ID card Holder -$ 5.25
1 Toothbrush -$ 0.79
1 Toothpaste $ 2.49
1 Toothbrush Case -$ 1.35
1 Dental Floss -$ 0.99
1 Foot Powder -$ 2.90
1 Deodorant -$ 2.89
1 Laundry Detergent -$ 4.45
1 BX Trash Bags -$ 1.79
Nail Trimming Kit -$ 3.99
1 Canteen -$ 3.40
1 Storage Container -$ 5.99
1 Backpack -$ 44.85
1 Reflective belt -$ 5.95
2 Silver Sharpie -$ 2.99
1 Ruler -$ 0.29
1 Highlighters -$ 1.99
1 Note Pad -$ 0.99
1 BK Stamps -$ 9.80
1 BX Envelopes -$ 1.29
1 “3 in 1” Soap -$ 2.95
Shower Shoes -$ 1.10
Backpack initiative –w/ backpack: $165 -$177
NOTE: This is due to availability of products listed above. If an item is unavailable, PRC staff will provide a list of those items that will be picked up at the flights Initial BX Run. The cost maybe higher/lower based on product name.
I am not bringing a phone card, as I plan on buying one at the BX when I arrive. I couldn't find any at my local wal-mart or my BX, apparently they are just a rarity these days. :P It's on the list that my recruiter gave me, but I've been told I can get it at the BX at lackland, so I'm not going to bother with it now. 

So.... that is what I'm bringing with me. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. Pack very light, as anything you bring that is not authorized can either get you into trouble or just cause you to have extra crap to lug to tech school with you. Have a loved one ship it to tech school or bring it on a visit rather than trying to keep it at BMT.

Leave ALL expensive stuff home. Fancy watches, expensive jewelry, etc... leave it at home. I'm not even wearing earrings. I am bringing the absolute bare minimum. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I have picked many brains about this in order to get a good idea of what to bring, and I've also read Aim High Erin's blog post about BMT packing. Best of luck! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Facing the Judgments about Enlistment

"You have a degree, why on EARTH would you enlist? Why not be an officer? Officers get paid more. Why would you want to join the military? You'll give up all your freedoms and become a part of a crazy bureaucracy and you'll be at their mercy at for years to come. You could have a normal, civilian job. Why would you risk being apart from your family? What about your kids? Why would you leave your kids??? You were gone one day recently and your son really missed you." 

Thankfully I have a lot of supporters that drown this out. YES, I have thought about all of this. NO, I often don't take the time to explain myself because I do not need to defend every action I take to everyone who questions me. However, I'll explain now for the benefit of those facing the same scrutiny. If you're trying to enlist and there are people tearing down your decision, please please please read what I have to say.

Yes, I have a degree and I'm enlisting. I applied for OTS and I was not selected. It would have been a lengthy wait to apply again. I just couldn't justify needing to get a new medical waiver every time just for a sliver of a chance. No, enlisting is not settling. Enlisting is a path for me to do what I REALLY want, which is to serve my country. Yes, I will get paid less. Yes, that's ok. Yes, I am aware of the bureaucracy. After 2 years of trying to get in, I've become pretty familiar with it.

The hardest part of BMT, for me, isn't going to be the physical aspect or the routine or the rigid rules. It is going to be missing my kids. My husband is amazing. AMAZING. He is such a great Dad and he has always been my equal in loving and caring for them. I feel like some men take a backseat and let the wife do all the diaper changes and the nitty gritty stuff, but not my husband. I know he will take extra special care of them. My husband has never treated me like the "female" or the "wife" in a stereotypical way. That plays a HUGE part in our decision together for me to enlist. He doesn't stereotype me, he lets me be who I am. He knows me really well, and he knows us, and together we believe we can do this.

I will tell myself what I tell my kids. " When you see the moonlight or the sunlight, remember it's the same that shines on me. No matter how far I am, my love for you crosses the distance"

It's odd to me that women face such criticism when joining the military. When my husband joined there were a few skeptics but for the most part it was "congrats, that's amazing! Thanks for your willingness to serve." I don't remember anyone guilting him for "leaving" his children or myself. However, in my case, I have gotten a LOT of that. "You're going to leave your kids? That tech school is really long, are you sure that's a good idea?" I have friends who've been told they're "too pretty" to enlist. I have friends who serve who come across people in public who openly assume they are a military spouse because of their gender.

Let's get this out of the way real quick. It is no more or less "right" for a man or a woman to enlist. It is no harder or easier on their family depending on their gender. Yes, my children will miss me but they missed their Dad when he was away. They survived; they are strong and smart and amazing and they can do this too.  

Thankfully, I also have tons of support, so the naysayers and the judgers are kept at bay. What those people don't understand is that I never wanted a 9 to 5. I want to serve my country. What that really means is that I choose a job that the Air Force really needs me in. They really need linguists. They really need people who score high enough to even take the DLAB. They desperately need people to pass the DLAB and to go to Monterey and pass a very long, very hard tech school. If anyone can do it, I can. Not to toot my own horn, but I am smart and I'm a fast learner. I don't let things defeat me. If it is hard, I work harder to overcome it. I am what they need right now, and instead of playing it safe with a less difficult job, I have chosen to rise to the opportunity.

Furthermore, beyond the AF demands, this job sounds absolutely right up my alley. I was about to go for admin jobs, and I know that was playing it safe. This is an opportunity to challenge myself, push my boundaries. I have always wanted to learn another language. Here's a very intense but rewarding shot at doing so. It comes with sacrifices. I had to make peace with those and I had to talk with my husband about it. It is hard. I don't make this decision lightly in the least. This is quite possibly one of the most pivotal decisions of my entire life. No pressure. 

 I sat and thought a while about how linguistics scares me a little. The words "high washout" and "extremely difficult" and "really lengthy" echo in my mind. However, I also thought, when have I EVER not tried to do something that I wanted to do because it scared me? When have I ever taken a back seat because something would be challenging? That isn't me. I face my fears for the greater good.  

Yes, it will be hard. Yes, mil-to-mil is hard. Yes, it isn't for everyone. After extensively talking about it, about every detail and every scenario we could think of, my husband and I fully believe we can make it work. We have been through a lot and only ever come out stronger. We communicate well, we are a team, and we can do this. I can do this.

So my message to you, if you are enlisting, is to drown out all the other thoughts and opinions and listen to your own inner voice. Is this right for you? Do you feel in your gut that you want to try? Do you feel in your gut that it is something you feel called to do? Have you considered the pros and the cons? Have you made peace with the challenges? Have you come to terms with deployment and separation from family and friends? If you can face all of that, and still want to serve then you should serve. Don't let someone talk you out of something because it doesn't make sense to them. It has to make sense to YOU. You and your immediate family are the ones who matter here. If you can face this, you will be ok. 

You will look back on your life and you will be grateful you didn't shrink to fit in a hole that other people expected you to settle for. Dream big. Dream so big it scares you. Dream so big that what you accomplish molds you into an even better person. Be the person you are destined to be and don't let anyone dull your sparkle. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Taking the DLAB- Defense Language Aptitude Battery

On Wednesday, I swore in to the DEP program for the US Air Force. I can't even put into words what this meant for me. I intend to do a post about my experience at MEPS and my "Medical Inspect". However, this post is going to be more about how I've been encouraged to take the DLAB to see if I qualify to be a  cryptologic linguist.

Now, on to prepping. Some people say, "There is no way to study, just go and do your best".

Well..... I don't buy that because I'm me and there is ALWAYS a way to prepare for things. There has to be SOMETHING I can do to prepare. I found a video someone made with her suggestions and resources for doing well.

I've also had several people suggest studying the parts of sentences and sentence structure; predicate, subject, clause, phrase, modifer, etc. I found a few websites by googling and started taking notes because that's the best way for me to remember something is if I write it down. 

I will be soaking up all the resources I can google and working hard to do as well as I possibly can. Its really important to me to do my best, even if I'm on the fence a bit still.

Cryptologic Linguist would be an incredibly interesting field, I would love to learn a new language but it is also a very intense field with a very long tech school with a high washout rate. Yes, it would be hard, but I've never been one to shy away because of odds or because something is hard. However, I have to look past all of that and learn what I can so I know if I'd like this job long term.

For now, I'm going to study English grammar and sentence structure and do my best!!! Following the test, I will probably not make another post about the DLAB because I don't want to risk compromising the test or the types of questions on it and get into trouble for doing so. My advice up front is to do what I'm doing and study grammar. It's been a LONG time since I've had to study grammar and while I read a ton and have very good grammar, I don't remember the rules or the names of the main components of a sentence. I have some work to do! 

 Best of luck to you if you're also taking the DLAB! 

Thursday, November 10, 2016


After months of waiting and months of completing new tests and having my poor doctor take care of stuff at the drop of a hat... after a full year since I first spoke to my enlisted accessions recruiter... My SG level waiver has been approved!!!! What that means is, I am cleared for military service in the Air Force. 

After all of the effort, tears, frustration, patience and the rest of my crazy mix of feelings, I am allowed the enormous privilige to serve the United States of America as an Airman (after earning it at BMT of course). I have no idea when I'll ship, I am assuming it won't be very soon since everyone I've talked to lately has waited quite a while to ship. 

However, it is time to kick some SERIOUS butt in fitness and nutrition. It's hard to keep up motivation preparing for something you "hope" will happen, but this is happening! Now I need to really focus and take extra good care of this body of mine so that I can be strong and prepared for BMT. Yesterday I worked out while imagining an MTI yelling at me. That sounds kind of silly, but honestly, I thought to myself, "If there was an MTI here, would this cut it? Am I giving it my all or am I phoning it in?" Anyway, it was a killer workout. 

I just wanted to post an update and let everyone who follows this blog know I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth! The last few months, I've just been trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do if I didn't get in. I spent so much time trying to enlist that I was feeling kind of lost. I literally had applied to dozens of jobs in my area trying to start my career (I have a Bachelor's in Business). 

My recruiter's phone call came at the perfect time. I was feeling low because I had been passed over for a REALLY good job. After her phone call tons of emails appeared in my inbox, "Thank you for applying, but we've decided to go with more qualified candidates."

Sayonara civilian world (for now). I finally have something I wanted far more than any job. Serving in the Air Force, for me, isn't about the benefits or the pay. It's about the unique experiences, the discipline and over all the privilege to serve my country. It's about developing myself into the best version of me. It's about doing something I've always wanted to do but thought my chance had passed. 

Now, time for a run! 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday Motivation, a.k.a. A swift kick in the pants

I have been majorly busy. Like.... I don't even know how to think straight, I'm exhausted and worn out to the point that I'm finally coming down with what I refer to as "kid plague".... the string of illnesses you get when you work with kids.

I am willing to bet that most of us feel like that sometimes, if not almost all the time. Life is so busy and crazy and full of events that we find it hard to find "me" time and focus on what we NEED for ourselves and our sanity.

I've been reading, "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero and it is AMAZING. Pure gold for anyone who is needing a kick in the pants and some extra motivation.

You see, if we aren't where we want to be or need to be, we should be doing something each day to bring us closer. You need to just put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

I don't know for SURE what my absolute calling is in life. However.... I do know:

  • I need to make a living wage that earns me financial stability and the ability to pay off my student loans
  • I need to make a difference in other people's lives 
  • I need to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone
  • I need to be able to use my creativity in some way, shape or form
I'm not gonna lie. My current job just isn't what I need. It isn't what I want. It doesn't take care of those at all. I didn't go to school to be a teacher and I feel so out of place right now. Like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. Some people are so good at what I do, but I'm just not. And that's ok. 

However, I'm going to let you in on a little secret! The ONLY way that I'll get to where I want to be, is if I make the most of where I'm at RIGHT NOW. The same counts for you too! 

Where I'm at is a stepping stone. If I whine and gripe and complain, I'll only succeed in making myself miserable. If I look around at people who are succeeding and I allow myself to get jealous and feel sorry for myself, I'll spiral downward into a hole. Instead, I am going to find the ways that my current situation and job works for me.

I choose positivity. I choose to work hard and do my absolute best. I choose to excel and have a high work ethic and do everything I can to be the best I can. I will do what I can with where I'm at until I can build myself a stairway to something that suits me better. Be it personal training, enlisting in the military, or interior design.... whatever it is that I'm destined to do is out there waiting for me and I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

You must do the same. If you want to do better and be better, then you need to just do your best every single day and keep working hard. No one ever met their goals by moping and feeling sorry for themselves. We only get to where we want to be by putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.

Ok, so enough of the pep talk. Go out, do your thang, and do it well. Give this day everything you've got!!!! Don't half-ass any of it! Even if you're tired out, even if you're grumpy, even if this is the most monday-ish monday EVER. Go out and kill it. This day is one day you will NEVER get back, so what are you going to do today to bring you one little step closer?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Vegan Strawberry Shakeology Mug Cake

Does anyone else lose their marbles when you click on a link to a recipe in a blog and there are 20 bazillion paragraphs going on and on about the inspiration and story behind the recipe? It kind of drives me nuts.... So....I'm not going to do that to you.

I like cake. Cake usually isn't healthy. I like healthy mug cakes. I don't like chocolate cake very much so I made this instead. End of story. Enjoy!!!

Vegan Strawberry Shakeology Mug Cake

- 1 packet vegan strawberry shakeology
- 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tbsp. olive or coconut oil
- 1 tbsp. milk sub (almond milk or coconut milk)
- 1 large egg
- pinch of salt
- stevia to taste if desired
- fresh strawberries diced, optional to add a small amount of stevia to help sweeten them if tart

Mix the dry ingredients first and then add the wet and mix well, Microwave 2-3 minutes checking often. As soon as it sets up and pulls away from the edges of the mug, it is done. If you overcook it, it will be very dry!

It should come out of the mug very easily. Put it in a bowl and top with the strawberries. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Living Life By Design

Think about that for a moment. What does it even mean to live life by your own design? REALLY think about it. If you could be anywhere, doing anything, wearing anything.... what would that life look like if you had absolutely no limitations? If money and other people's opinions were of no consequence....It's hard to imagine because we typically DO have limitations. So really stretch yourself for a minute and humor me. What if you didn't??? What does that life look like for you?

We think we know what we want, but sometimes we forget to stretch our dreams a little bit further. We settle. At least, I know I have been settling at least to some extent.

I have a dream. I want to enlist in the military. People sometimes chuckle, "Wow, what made you choose to join so late in life?" I reply that the dream was always there but I didn't have the courage to pursue it. I am also a firm believer that it's never too late to chase a dream. Yup, nearly 30 years old and working on enlisting in the Air Force.

However, I'm facing the realization once again that it just might not happen. I'm stuck in a sea of medical paperwork and potential disqualification. I'm waiting for MEPS to make a decision so I can move forward with life.

That is the big mistake. Right there. The waiting for MEPS to give me permission to live my life. No one can do that. Only I can decide to live my life the way I want to. 

I've been thinking about it a lot lately. If I do get disqualified, what do I want my life to look like? The two options are so entirely different, but I have to be ok if I get disqualified. I have to keep living, and keep being happy. My life's purpose can't hinge on something that may or may not happen.

Who is the girl who moves on from permanent disqualification from the military? Can I see her in my mind? For so long I've seen the woman in uniform, proudly doing whatever Uncle Sam asks so that she can serve her country. That is her most important purpose. That is her calling. But.... what about the other girl? What about the one who doesn't wear a uniform? Who is she and what is her ultimate purpose?

That question has stared me in the face for a while now, and I pushed it aside, choosing to "be positive" and assume I'd get to be the woman in uniform. It's just not healthy or realistic to let that be my only future purpose. Even if I do get into the military, what if something happened and I was discharged? I can't let that be my only identity. I am a human being whose worth is not determined by what I choose to do for a living.

After all this thinking, I'm starting to see who she is again.

This person, no matter what she wears, where she lives or who she does or doesn't work for; She strives to be a good person to have a positive impact on others around her. She strives to see her flaws and weaknesses and actively works on improving those weaknesses. She is spunky and a little eccentric, and quite proud of it. She serves other people. No matter how she does it, no matter what her specific method of doing it is, above all else, she serves PEOPLE. She is proud to be a little different, rocking her long, jet black hair and her tattoos (of which she fully intends to get more). She makes good money and is successful, but she doesn't need all that much to be happy. She just wants to live life comfortably, to be able to travel, to be able to provide well for her family. She rocks her affinity for all things fitness and just smiles when people call her a "health nut" because she knows it's actually a compliment. She has overcome her bad relationship with food and wants to help others do the same. She tries her best to inspire others who in turn inspire her. She knows that life is about people. Life is about collecting moments and experiences and transferring those experiences into something meaningful for others. She knows life is too short to let other people define her worth. She knows that everyone deserves to feel empowered and everyone deserves to have self-worth. No matter how those people find it, they deserve it. They won't always use "her way", and that's ok. As long as people are happy, that is really all that matters. She knows all of this without a single bit of doubt. No matter where life takes her, she won't forget this. 

So who are you really? Outside of what you do and how you think people see you.... who are you absolutely destined to be? Peel off the layers and find out. That is today's PSA.

Make this a beautiful week. If you're unhappy and something just seems off, make a change. A big change or a little change; it doesn't matter as long as you're moving in the right direction.

Today, I chose to make a BIG change.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

I needed a bad week.

Well, that sounds kind of silly, doesn't it? Shouldn't you focus on eating healthy all the time? Shouldn't you focus on total and complete focus and motivation? Shouldn't you find ways to avoid "bad" weeks?

Yes and no. Theoretically, we'll have better results if we go hard all the time and stick to our plan. However, we're humans and no robots. Our emotional well-being is more important than our physical well-being. If our mind is not in the right place, it's hard to force our body to do what we think we need it to do.

I needed a break this past week. I didn't eat horribly, but I didn't measure everything out. I had a few cheats. I didn't work out every single day. In fact, I remembered what it's like to just live again. At first I felt an intense guilt. "I'm failing", I thought. I realized then, I had no intention of quitting. I just needed to remember again why I started. I spent a couple of my normal "workout times" cuddling my children and having a family movie night. I needed it. I really, really did. I just started back to work after 5 years of being a stay-at-home-mom and I missed them and I needed that time. It was more important to me than working out.

I'm going to let you in on a VERY important secret. Please, if you never care about or read another word from this blog ever, at least take this to heart:

Having a bad day, a bad week or a bad month does NOT mean you have failed. You are not "starting over" when you begin eating well again and staying active. You are resuming your journey. The ONLY thing that matters is that you never give up. 

A healthy mind and body require balance. It's ok to have a cheat. It's ok to skip a workout once in a while if I just feel absolutely exhausted. A healthy lifestyle should make you feel amazing, not burnt out and frustrated. Living healthy should not feel like we are punishing ourselves for not being where we want to be.

The minute you start feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted, I want you to remember that being healthy shouldn't be a chore that makes you miserable. It should be your goal to find balance, to take some "you time" when you need it and to rest when you need it. Your life and your health isn't always going to fit neatly into a program or a schedule and that is OK!!!!

That's not to say that you should just throw a schedule out the window. Try to stick to your plans to meet your goals. You need to have consistency to some extent to be successful. However, there are times where breaking is not only ok, but necessary for your well-being. If you need to break from your plans, don't punish yourself or let guilt set in. Just determine how you're going to do better tomorrow.

I hope you have a beautiful week. I hope you find ways to recharge this weekend, and come back strong and ready to face and overcome challenges. Don't punish yourself for not meeting a goal! Instead, find a way to make it more doable and try, try again!

Sunday, June 26, 2016


I feel like a sham. Here I am trying to tell others how to lose weight, but after losing 25 pounds, I am firmly stuck. I have hypothyroidism, a waiverable condition for the military but only if it's under control. As far as they're concerned, in control means I'm under the weight limit and my hormone levels are in the normal range. So far, I'm good on that. I'm qualified. Technically.

"Technically" isn't good enough for me.

For me, battling hypothyroidism and trying to get into the military, it is essential that I find natural and holistic ways to deal with the symptoms. It is absolutely essential that I get my body working optimally, otherwise, I really shouldn't join. If I'm not fit and strong and able to deploy, there is little point to enlisting. That is the cold, hard truth. I don't want to just barely meet minimums. I need to lose enough weight that I'm functioning at my BEST. I am not enlisting to just squeak by on minimums. I am joining to be the best Airman I can possibly be. After all this fuss to enlist, I owe it to the Air Force to do whatever possible to make sure my body is healthy and fit and ready for duty.

Around the edges of the Airman's challenge coin, awarded upon graduation: Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence In All We Do.

What that means to me is that I have to fix this. I take "Excellence In All We Do" very seriously, as I do the other core values. I WILL find a way past this hurdle, and I will make sure that my body and my mind are in the right place when I land in San Antonio, Texas.

The Turning Point: Recognizing the effects of Hypothyroidism 

I read a really good blog post by "Hypothyroid Mom" that details how Hypothyroidism can effect leptin and cause leptin-resistance. If you're like I was and you have no idea what the heck that means, check out her blog post here. There is a lot regarding body chemistry that is too lengthy for me to go into in my own post today but it's interesting and compelling.

Anyway, one of her suggestions to "reset" the body and reverse leptin resistance is to go paleo.

Uh-oh. I am not the kind of person who would consider jumping on this particular bandwagon without some very careful consideration. I have scoffed at it, rolled my eyes... yup. I'm that person. I'm sorry. It is very possible that I will find myself to be humbled and to stand corrected in the near future.

The Plan: Paleo 21 day fix Nutrition 

At this point, I can't just keep doing what I'm doing. I'm a firm believer in trying to eat healthy and clean at least 80% of the time, but I'll tell you what. The hard truth is that what works for normal, average people may not work for someone who has hypothyroidism. I splurge now and then, but most of the time I eat very healthy. I don't drink soda. I don't buy junk food or very much processed food at ALL. And it just hasn't been enough. That is beyond frustrating. To work extremely hard, killing my workouts, sweating every single day, lifting heavy and eating healthy and to look and feel more or less the same is beyond discouraging. This isn't even just about being fit for enlistment now, it's about overcoming a personal obstacle. It's about refusing to be defeated.

Maybe going paleo won't work. Maybe it will be another dead end. However, I found this article and have read compelling evidence that it very well may help me. It is worth a try, and I'm the kind of person who will try something if there is compelling evidence behind it.

I am going to go paleo while using the portion control system of 21 day fix. That way, I'm not restricting my calories too much or being extreme. I'll know I'm eating enough of the right stuff. In place of the two yellow "carb" containers, I am going to instead have additional veggie containers or grain alternatives, such as items made with coconut flour, etc. This is going to involve some trial and error. However, I know it is time to try something new.

Shakeology likely isn't considered paleo (though perhaps the vegan ones are, I'm not entirely sure) but I WILL continue Shakeo. It has done so much for my health and made it possible for me to overcome my first plateau. It has made my hair stop falling out and some of my other thyroid issues resolve. So I will continue using all of my favorite flavors of shakeo, most of which contain dairy, but are otherwise very clean, wholesome and contain a lot of essential nutrients I don't get in my regular diet. In particular, the probiotics, antioxidants and amino acids are important to me because I just don't get enough otherwise and there is no way I'd keep up with ten bazillion different supplements.

So here we go.... I'm going to be sharing 21 day fix approved paleo recipes in the near future and I will be trying to navigate this strange and frustrating new world of paleo food! I'm excited though! Rather than dread, I feel like this is a new challenge to focus on, something I CAN control when everything else has stalled.

In case you have no idea what paleo is, here a photo I found from Graduate Girl that just illustrated it so perfectly.

Stay tuned for more info, recipes, and adventures involving preparing to enlist, getting fit, and going Paleo! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

More than just exercise

In order to truly live a fit lifestyle you have to find ways to love it. For one thing, you workout won't really matter that much if you are completely sedentary the rest of the day. If you want to burn calories you need to get moving. You need to walk more, or hike, run, bike, rollerblade, shoot hoops, play a sport, ANYTHING.... there are so many options but you need to find one and get moving.

I'm not an expert. I'm not a health professional. However, I can tell you from persona experience that just doing enough to get by will never really be enough. For one thing, you'll probably get bored. For another, you just won't burn enough calories doing a half hour workout every day.

One of my absolute favorite ways to get moving is to go hiking. I am currently training for a 10 mile hike through high desert. It literally winds up the mountainside for the first entire mile. It goes through a steep canyon. I'm so excited about this hike, it's not even funny. I did the first mile just to get an idea and I was so giddy it was ridiculous. Find THAT. Find something that makes you giddy!

It's not even just about fitness either. Hiking is good for my soul. The fresh air, being surrounded by nature.... it makes my soul happy. It refreshes me. It reminds me that I'm alive.

We weren't born to go to work, pay bills and die.

We were born to LIVE. Are you living? Are you REALLY??? Are you getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things? Are you growing? Are you challenging yourself? I personally believe it is the key to ultimate happiness. That point where we just done making excuses and we want to truly experience life and savor every moment.

My challenge to you this week is to get out and find something new to try. Go for a walk. Go for a hike. MOVE your body and do something that makes your soul sing.

The world is so beautiful. Go out and discover it. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

MEPS Psychological Consultation

If you google "MEPS consult" or "MEPS Psych eval" you're bound to come up with posts that will freak you the heck out. I am writing this post to assure you that not all consults end unhappily. I read somewhere that if they bother to give you a consult that they are paying for, it is because they see some hope in your situation. If they were absolutely sure you were doomed, they wouldn't spend the money to give you a consult!!! You simply cannot know until you go to your consult and find out. Just take a deep breath and go in positive.

Anyway, I was ordered to have a psych eval because I had mild depression in High School. I only had an Rx (zoloft) for 3 months, and then stopped taking it. I never had a relapse and never needed to be treated again for depression.

MEPS wasn't satisfied with that, and therefore ordered the consult. As frustrating as the medical process can be, try to remember that there are reasons that certain conditions can disqualify you. It's either because it would hinder you from deploying or because you cannot be treated while deployed, or a combination of both. Ultimately, they are looking out for your safety and they are also trying to recruit healthy people. They invest a LOT of money into training you, and why would they do that if you can't even do what they train you to do? I know, easier said than done. It still tugs at my heartstrings because I want this SO bad.

Arrival at MEPS

First off, I have some suggestions for what to bring to a Consult, regardless of what type. (Consults can be for all sorts of situations, skin, bones, psych, etc.). Please be sure you get adequate rest beforehand since it might be a long day and make sure you eat breakfast. All the same MEPS rules apply! Wear nice jeans and/or khakis, close-toed shoes, stud earrings (for girls only), and no crazy hair colors, piercings other than one set in your ear lobe, no offensive shirts, etc. Here is what I chose to wear.

I also recommend asking your branch liason what to do in case you need to contact them during your consult. Your driver will drop you off and you are on your own!

  • 2 forms of ID- I brought more than that, I had my driver's license, my dependent ID, my birth cert. and my social security card, I carry the first two always and the other two I had just to be safe 
  • Your cell phone- unlike a normal day at MEPS, you will need your cell phone. Be sure it is 100% charged because you will need to call your driver to come get you when you are done with your appointment 
  • Bottled water- if your day is as long as mine... you'll want it. 

I had to be at MEPS nearly two hours before my appointment. I arrived at 8:30 and my appointment was at 10:30 off post with a civilian psychologist.

I checked in to the desk, and the people at the desk were friendly this time. I guess when you're not there in the wee hours with all the shippers, they mellow out or something. I checked in with medical, got a consult folder made, and checked out of MEPS and in with the driver. There was one other person with a consult that was riding with me.

PLEASE for the love of all that is good in this world, DO NOT ask fellow applicants what their consult is for. It could be private and it just isn't good manners. The applicant in the car with me flat out asked me what my appointment was for before even introducing herself or asking what my name was. It was just really awkward because telling someone I don't know at all that I need to have a psych eval is just pretty embarrassing.

Arrival at Consult Appointment 

I was dropped off at 9:00am, a full hour and 35 minutes before my appointment time. Not only was I dropped off early, but I got the feeling throughout the day that I was low priority. Every single person that arrived, including those AFTER my appt. time were seen before me. I waited until about 11:30 to be seen. I tell you this because I want you to be prepared to wait a very long time. I read a book I had downloaded to my phone while I was waiting.

Finally, the doctor called me in. At first I was a little nervous. He seemed to have sort of a cold personality at first. He asked me some basic medical questions and then he asked about my home life and my marriage. He didn't ask anything super detailed, just "Do you feel safe" and "How would you describe your marriage".

Next he asked about the depression. I was just honest. I answered every question simple, answering only what he asked without babbling on and on. He seemed satisfied with my answers. I told him I was "diagnosed" by a general practitioner at a medical clinic, not by a psychologist. He seemed disgruntled with this and he said that while doctors in clinics are great for common illnesses, they shouldn't try to diagnose and treat mental health conditions, especially in teenagers. He said he believed by what I had told him that I probably would have been ok just seeing a counselor.

He finished up by saying, "I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to enlist. As far as I'm concerned, you have completely overcome depression. I think you're good to go, at least as far as I'm concerned!" Phew. Thank goodness. That is very good news. However, he doesn't have the final say. I believe from all that I've been told and read that MEPS and/or the SG are the ones to make the final determination based on what the doctor says. *Fingers Crossed*

They handed me my consult folder back with a sealed envelope inside and I called my driver to let him know I was done. He came to get me about 30 minutes later. This should go without saying, but DO NOT OPEN THE ENVELOPE.

Labs Done for MEPS- Post Hospital 

I had another "consult" to have labs done at the hospital on post. This was a NIGHTMARE. It wouldn't have been a big deal, except that the receptionists who were messing with the papers in my consult folder sealed up the wrong paper, which had my lab order on it. I didn't know this until I was at a completely different location trying to get my labs done. The lady at the lab desk asked me to open the sealed envelope and I politely explained that I could not open it because it would void the consult I just had.  She said the lab wasn't in the system and neither was I.

After that, I was sent to DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) to be put into the hospital computer system. Every different medical facility has their own DEERS database and you have to be added to be seen there. It had just been so long since I had to do it that I had forgotten. I got added into the system. I just have to say.... the guy who added me had the longest fingernails I've ever seen on a man, let alone military personnel in uniform. I could NOT believe no one had told him to cut those suckers. I know.... totally relevant, right? I had to share my pain. You're welcome.

Anyway, MEPS had the labs faxed back over, and I had my labs drawn. This all happened about 2 hours after my arrival. I called my driver and was again good to go.

I was driven back to MEPS, turned in my consult folder and then my Air Force Liason gave me a brown bag lunch (It was almost 3pm and I was elated to have a lunch waiting for me!!!) and then she sent me off on my way.

It was a very, VERY long day, and I'm glad it is behind me! It's not as bad as I thought it would be though!

I hope that is helpful. Please feel free to ask me questions. I cannot promise I'll know the answer but I'll do my best to point you in the right direction!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Homemade "Slimming" Body Wrap

I normally don't talk much about competitor's products, not even to debunk them. Beachbody workout programs work for me, and I would much rather run my business in a positive light. I want to build people up rather than tear anyone down. My intent is not to hurt anyone, but rather to share my truths. I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't share the experiences I have, even the ones that ruffle other people's feathers.

Well, I'm going to share my personal opinion. Please be aware that this is not coming from a place of malice or meanness. I just want to share my beliefs and recommendations for what is and isn't necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

I have tried "It Works". I had a sample once.  I noticed a very *slight* difference but nothing I was willing to pay for. You see, it's TEMPORARY!!!! What you are doing is losing a very small amount of retained water in your tissues. Think of visited a sauna. It will help you sweat out a little extra water weight, but really, you can't just sit in a sauna until you have a rocking body.

When you pay $30 or $40 a pop for these (or whatever it is that they cost....), you are paying for an effect that, in my opinion, you can EASILY achieve at home.

The reps will tell you that it has amazing ingredients, that it removes toxins, etc. etc. and I can't tell you one way or the other if that is true or not. I'm not a scientist. My instinct though is to believe that a better way to remove toxins is through a clean diet.

Homemade Body Wrap Experiment

I decided to do a little experiment. I made a homemade wrap. I used Coffee grounds (fresh from the bag), olive oil and saran wrap. I'm totally serious. That was IT.

I mixed the coffee grounds with a little olive oil and then massaged into my belly in a circular motion. Then I wrapped my whole midriff with saran wrap for half an hour. I did some light exercise to help me sweat (so that the wrap would work to it's maximum potential.)

The following results are from ONE homemade wrap. My hips looked smaller, my belly looks less bloated. I did not try to stand differently or skew the results. I did my best to stand the same and not to suck in for before or after photos.

Did "It work"? Yes. Yes it did. However, I expected it to. It isn't magic. It's just sweating in a concentrated area. All for pennies. I barely spent anything and got pretty good results.

If you are an "It Works" customer, I strongly urge you to re-evaluate whether or not it is truly worth the investment. It kills me to see people spending oodles and oodles on something that is a temporary fix. You cannot achieve true weight loss from wrapping your body.

If you want lasting, long-term results, you are going to have to work out and keep working out. You are going to have to clean up your nutrition and keep it clean. There is no magic fix and anything that you put in your body that claims to do the work for you is likely not even good for you. Even something as extreme as surgery has some pretty intense risks and won't work in the long run if you don't change how you eat.

The ONLY way to get fit, is to change. PERIOD.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to Kick-Butt on the ASVAB

I did very well on the ASVAB with a 92 AFQT and in the 90's across all the sections. I have had a lot of people asking me about how I did it, especially on Instagram, so I thought I'd put together some info on how I studied. I want you to know that I am not even close to being a genius. I really struggled with the math sections and it took a lot of effort to get my high scores. It didn't come easy. So don't tell yourself you can't get a score like that, because you absolutely can!

One thing you need to understand is that your entire career will involve testing and studying. It doesn't begin and end with the ASVAB. You will test at the end of basic training, at the end of your technical training for your field, at the end of your hands-on training while you're at your first assignment, for promotions and more! Use these strategies now and remember them for later in your career. In order to be successful in your career, you need to know how to develop great study habits!

Recognize your Learning Style 

I have a friend who is a writer who is planning on doing a guest post here soon to help you dive into this more. To give you a brief run-down; we all have different learning styes. Some of us learn by reading it, some of us learn by listening to it, some of us learn by seeing it, and some of us learn by doing it.

My very best advice is to know yourself and know what works for you. How do you learn the best? I learn through a combination of different things; writing and taking notes, watching videos, hands-on when possible and I utilize flash-cards a lot to help review and keep things fresh. I can't just read it and retain the info, I have to use other methods to help retain what I read.

Pick a Great Study Guide (or two) 

You will need a great study guide or two. Don't just grab whatever you see on the shelf, really look at what they have to offer. The best guide in my opinion after reading reviews and looking at the guides in person, is the "Kaplan Premier Study Guide 2016".  It has extensive info on all the sections, comes with pre-made flashcards, online access and 6 tests total. It is very detailed and comprehensive.

**One thing I want you to realize is that this guide's math section in my opinion was much more difficult than the ASVAB itself, so if you aren't getting perfect scores on the practice exams, don't get discouraged!** If you struggle with the math, I recommend checking out "AFQT for Dummies", and I thought the math in it was more similar to what was on the actual test.

Understand your Timeline

Focus most on the AFQT- that is the Math, Arithmetic, Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comp. These are the absolute most important because they determine whether or not you are eligible to enlist in your branch of service. Take the diagnostic test, determine which sections you struggle with the most, and study those first.

If you don't have an ASVAB test date or haven't talked to a recruiter yet, you have the luxury to really dig in. I suggest taking the diagnostic, making a list of each section and ranking them, the first being the one you did the worst on and the last being the one you did best on, and study them in that order. In other words, study your worst subjects first, and leave the ones you're good at for last.

Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comp 

First off, study what is in your study guide. However, I will tell you right now that what is in any study guide will likely not be enough to get you an amazing score. If you want to excel, reach out to other resources.

I used an app on my phone called "Magoosh Vocabulary Builder". It is not designed for the ASVAB, but it has some similar words and it's FREE. Focus on the "Basic" and "Intermediate" categories only. I didn't use the "Advanced" category at all. I used the "General/GRE" section the most but honestly the "SAT" words and the "TOEFL/English Learner" sections wouldn't hurt.

For paragraph Comp, you're just going to have to practice. Read carefully and understand the "overall point" of the material. There is no way to study for it other than to practice. Read some non-fiction articles and think critically about what the overall message was as well as the author's tone. Learn how to skim for facts after you've read it so that you can find key info quickly. It just takes practice.

Mathematics and Arithmetic

The very best tips I can offer are to utilize YouTube tutorials and if at all possible, find a friend who is really good at math or even invest in a tutor if you can. I am lucky enough to have a husband who loves math, so I picked his brain a LOT. It was very helpful when a written explanation just didn't make sense to me. He could often explain it a different way and then it would seem so simple. Just studying the study guide probably won't be good enough if you struggle with math. Utilize additional resources to help you understand.

With that being said; practice, practice, practice!!!! Figure out the types of problems you struggle with the most and practice until you understand! With math, you can't just learn it and then remember it. You have to practice it a lot to help retain how it is done.

Check out Khan Academy. It's free and it's a great way to review several different subjects. In addition to math, they also have science review and English sections.

All other Sections 

Unless you have a specific career in mind, think of the other sections as secondary to your AFQT sections. You still want to try and do well because it opens up so many career options for you. I qualify for almost all the jobs in the Air Force and that opens up a world of opportunity for me.

For the most part, the Kaplan guide will prepare you for the other sections of the ASVAB very, very well. However, when you run up against something that really throws you off, look it up online. The internet is full of great resources. I struggled with the Auto shop section and YouTube was my saving grace. I previously had VERY limited knowledge of cars but now I understand the basics of all the major systems that allow a vehicle to operate. If I can go from zero knowledge to scores in the 90's, I promise that you can as well.

For things like electronics and auto shop, see if someone proficient in those can show you some things hands-on. For instance, I opened up the hood of my car and my husband told me in detail what everything was and even while we were driving around, I'd review how the car actually works and how the engine functions.

I struggle with Electronics. Luckily, that is my husband's field, so I picked his brain on that just like I did for math. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos and studied the info until I had a basic grasp. Talking to someone about it out loud helped me remember it better than just reading about it.

Here are some good starting-points for understanding some of the more technical aspects of the ASVAB. You'll see some of these are kinda geared towards kids and you know what?? If they help you understand the concepts, watch them! I cannot stress how much I utilized videos online.

Four-Stroke Engine Cycle 

Major Auto Systems 

Basics of Electronics 

Simple Machines 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Waiting for BMT part 1

If you're waiting for a waiver or you're in DEP waiting to ship out, you should spend some time learning a few key things to get ready for BMT. I highly recommend picking up a copy of "The Airman's Guide" and also High Speed Training Cards to help study and prepare for Air Force life.

The company that makes the training cards is veteran-owned and operated, so not only are you studying for BMT and preparing yourself better, but you are also supporting an Air Force veteran. Win-win! You can purchase these at High Speed Training Cards  I *just* bought mine and they shipped a couple days ago but I am very excited to start studying with them! 

This book has SO much info that you need to know; Airman's Creed, what uniforms you need for different occasions, explaining military benefits, rank charts, pay charts..... seriously, this has it all. I highly recommend picking up a copy of this, I STILL reference this from time to time and my husband has been in for 3 years. I bought it as a gift for my husband when he graduated BMT but I wish I had bought it for him before he left. You can buy it on Amazon Here.

Core Values 

Integrity First
Service before Self
Excellence in all We do

Airman's Creed 

You will have to recite this word-for-word on command, so learn it now. It's pretty simple to memorize but it is one less thing you have to worry about at BMT.

Reporting Statement 

Every time you address an MTI or other personnel at BMT, you will need to use your reporting statement. 

Sir/Ma'am, Trainee ____ reports as ordered.

Don't be the poor sod that uses a "sir sandwhich". You know in movies how cadets and trainees say "Sir, Blah blah blah, Sir!!!!". No, that is wrong. Don't do it. Your MTI is going to have a field day with you if you do. I may not have been to BMT yet, but my husband has, as have many of my close friends. The stories they have about MTI's and the "special attention" they give to people is priceless but also not so funny when it's happening to you!

Rank Structure of Enlisted and Officers 

Take some time and memorize ranks. Again, one less thing to worry about at BMT and fairly simple. Know the grade (E-1), abbrev. (AB), full name (Airman Basic), and the insignia. 

For Officer ranks, remember: One  gold bar (butterbars, a term to describe newbie officers, 2nd lieutenants), silver bars (1st Lt.), double silver bars (captains), gold leaf (major), silver leaf (Lt. Colonel,), eagle (Colonel). 

For Generals, remember "Be my little General". Brigadier (one star), Major (two), Lieutenant (three), and General (four). 

To be continued........ 

Navigating Military Medical Standards

For me, the absolute most-frustrating aspect of military entrance is medical. I have hypothyroidism, I had mild depression in high school and I apparently have an ovarian cyst that I didn't know about that was found by accident when I had had a scan when my gallbladder was taken out. They are TRYING to find anything wrong with you now, mostly because they don't want recruits who have serious medical issues that could effect training or deploying. I get that. I do. It still hurts though when you want something so bad and you might not get the chance because of things you cannot help. If you want it bad enough though, you owe it to yourself to try.


When you fill out your medical form in your recruiter's office, fill it out carefully and don't hide things. You will hear people say: "I hid this" or "I chose not to tell them about that", DO NOT DO THAT! For one thing, if they find out you were lying, you could face serious consequences. Furthermore, you are starting off your career with lies. In the Air Force, the core values are Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in all we do. Honor those values and tell the truth. I know you want it badly. I truly get that. However, it isn't worth it to risk the consequences.

Navigating the Disqualifications 

If you receive a disqualification, DO NOT PANIC. It happens a lot and in many cases it is possible to get a waiver. Try to stay calm and patient and see what happens. My husband was "permanently disqualified from the Armed Forces" but then he ended up getting a waiver. A waiver is not ever guaranteed and depends greatly on your overall healthy and the specifics of your condition, but don't give up until you've been officially and completely disqualified.

Also, don't ask random forums on the internet. I have seen questions asked where answers I know are wrong are given. The thing is, people mean well and they're telling you how it was for them. They mean well, but the military standards are constantly changing so how it was for them may no longer be the case. Also, it goes without saying, but anyone can hop on the internet and pretend to be qualified but the reality is that you have no idea who people really are. Again, all you can do is try and hope for the best.

Here is a document that will help you navigate some of the DoD criteria for military entrance.

Medical Standards (DoD)

Being Disqualified and Getting a Waiver 

If you get a disqualification, it will likely get sent up to the Surgeon General if your  condition is waiverable. There are some conditions that are not waiverable but many are. I know how hard it is. I'm right there, waiting for my waiver as I type this. It pulls at my heart strings. I REALLY want to serve and my fate is sitting on someone's desk somewhere.

It can take a long time to get a waiver. Be patient. Don't pester your recruiter because he/she cannot expedite the process. Try to stay busy. Study for what you need to know at BMT. Work on fitness. For now, just assume you're going to get in and keep preparing.

If you get that fated letter that says you are disqualified permanently, remember that there are so many other amazing things you can do with your life. I want to tell you right now, Thank YOU for trying. Seriously, I am grateful that you tried, and grateful that you wished to serve. I'm also sorry if you get disqualified. Truly. As I wait for my waiver, my heart is on pins and needles because I want this SO BAD. I know life isn't over if it doesn't come back in my favor, but I will be extremely disappointed.

Here is a photo of my husband swearing in after receiving an initial disqualification. Don't give up hope. I sincerely hope you are able to enlist!!! (He's the one in light gray)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Egg-less Protein Powder Mug Cake

I went to make a mug cake, and SURPRISE! No eggs. Oops. I had already mixed the dry ingredients, so what was a girl to do? Improvise of course!!!

I added half a banana instead of an egg and crossed my fingers, hoping for the best Seriously. I had no idea if this was going to work, but I figured even if it was a ooey gooey mess, I'd still eat it. (P.S. I tasted the "batter" before I microwaved it, and it tasted like brownie batter. So if you want edible brownie batter, just skip the microwave and the baking powder and you're good to go!)

Anyway, here are the ingredients!

  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use Beachbody performance) 
  • 1 tsp. baking powder 
  • pinch of salt 
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp. milk

mix the dry ingredients first and then mash in the banana and milk. Mix well until it has a cake-batter consistency. Microwave in a mug (microwave safe of course) for 1:45 to 2 minutes. Cut around the edges with a butter knife and it should pop right out onto a plate. Top with peanut butter if you want "frosting".

I think I like it better than the version made with egg!!! It turned out so good, I *may* have made another one out of the other half banana. *cough cough*


Clean and Easy Egg "Muffins"

Want a breakfast on the go? Try these Egg Muffins! I make 6 up at the beginning of the week and then I have breakfast on the go for the entire work-week. They are super easy and super versatile! You can add veggies, take out other veggies. You can add cheese. You can add more meat. It's totally up to you.

7 eggs lightly beaten
1 green bell pepper chopped
1 red bell pepper chopped
1 yellow bell pepper chopped
1 cup diced onion
2-3 jalapenos (optional)
2 tsp baking powder
1/8 cup skim milk (or milk sub)
sliced lunchmeat (try to pick "clean" lunch meat, natural, no nitrites or nitrates if possible)
salt and pepper to taste or other salt-free seasonings

I used a pan with large muffin cups rather than standard so I made 6 muffins. First, use an olive oil sprayer if you have one or cooking spray if you don't to lightly grease the pan so the muffins don't stick. Then line them with the lunchmeat, using it like muffin cups. It doesn't have to be perfect at all, just try to line them evenly.

After you have lined them, add the baking powder and skim milk to the egg mixture and mix well. Then add all the veggies. Now spoon carefully into the baking cups and try to make sure there is both enough veggies and enough egg in each cup. Only fill them about 3/4 of the way, otherwise they will spill out as they cook

Bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes. I'm at a high altitude, so just keep an eye on yours since my cook  time could be slightly different. Once it is "set" (no longer goopy or wet on the top) they are done.

I like serving mine with a little buffalo sauce. YUM!


Friday, May 13, 2016

Crock Pot Beef Fajitas

I try to eat a lot of lean chicken/turkey but let's face it, sometimes that gets a little boring and ya need some BEEF!!!! This recipe cooks for a long time but it is actually very easy. I adapted this from a recipe I found in a crock pot cookbook. I always tweak things a little to make them fit my family and my cooking style.

You will need: 

  • Beef Roast - I used a 3 pound rump roast
  • One large onion, cut into half-rings
  • 1 to 2 tsp. Mrs. Dash Chipotle seasoning 
  • 1 to 2 tsp. Ground cumin
  • 1 to 2 tsp. Mexican chile powder
  • 1 tsp. salt or less if you like 
  • 1 jar of salsa - I used Newman's Own Mild
  • 3 bell peppers of different colors
  • Tortillas- corn or wheat. To save on carbs, you can also eat these like a naked burrito and not use tortillas at all
  • Fajita toppings of choice- low fat sour cream, light shredded cheese, avocado/guacamole, jalapenos, cilantro, etc.

First, cut the onion into slices and then half the rings. Put them in the bottom of the crock pot so that the roast will sit right on top. Add the rub to the roast and set it on top of the onions. Dump the entire jar of salsa on the roast and turn the crock pot to low. Let it cook 8-9 hours.

After the roast is cooked, carefully remove it from the crock put and shred it using forks or slice it into strips. If you can, trim off any visible fat and discard. Also, you may be able to skim fat out of the crock pot itself. The roast I chose was pretty lean, so there wasn't much to trim away or skim.

Add it back to the crock pot with the diced bell peppers.

Let cook on low for 1 more hour or until the peppers are soft. Time to eat!!! Put the beef mixture onto your tortilla with all your fixins' and enjoy!!!!

This is a new favorite in our household. My kids LOVED it!!!! Yay for kid-approved recipes!