Thursday, June 2, 2016

Homemade "Slimming" Body Wrap

I normally don't talk much about competitor's products, not even to debunk them. Beachbody workout programs work for me, and I would much rather run my business in a positive light. I want to build people up rather than tear anyone down. My intent is not to hurt anyone, but rather to share my truths. I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't share the experiences I have, even the ones that ruffle other people's feathers.

Well, I'm going to share my personal opinion. Please be aware that this is not coming from a place of malice or meanness. I just want to share my beliefs and recommendations for what is and isn't necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

I have tried "It Works". I had a sample once.  I noticed a very *slight* difference but nothing I was willing to pay for. You see, it's TEMPORARY!!!! What you are doing is losing a very small amount of retained water in your tissues. Think of visited a sauna. It will help you sweat out a little extra water weight, but really, you can't just sit in a sauna until you have a rocking body.

When you pay $30 or $40 a pop for these (or whatever it is that they cost....), you are paying for an effect that, in my opinion, you can EASILY achieve at home.

The reps will tell you that it has amazing ingredients, that it removes toxins, etc. etc. and I can't tell you one way or the other if that is true or not. I'm not a scientist. My instinct though is to believe that a better way to remove toxins is through a clean diet.

Homemade Body Wrap Experiment

I decided to do a little experiment. I made a homemade wrap. I used Coffee grounds (fresh from the bag), olive oil and saran wrap. I'm totally serious. That was IT.

I mixed the coffee grounds with a little olive oil and then massaged into my belly in a circular motion. Then I wrapped my whole midriff with saran wrap for half an hour. I did some light exercise to help me sweat (so that the wrap would work to it's maximum potential.)

The following results are from ONE homemade wrap. My hips looked smaller, my belly looks less bloated. I did not try to stand differently or skew the results. I did my best to stand the same and not to suck in for before or after photos.

Did "It work"? Yes. Yes it did. However, I expected it to. It isn't magic. It's just sweating in a concentrated area. All for pennies. I barely spent anything and got pretty good results.

If you are an "It Works" customer, I strongly urge you to re-evaluate whether or not it is truly worth the investment. It kills me to see people spending oodles and oodles on something that is a temporary fix. You cannot achieve true weight loss from wrapping your body.

If you want lasting, long-term results, you are going to have to work out and keep working out. You are going to have to clean up your nutrition and keep it clean. There is no magic fix and anything that you put in your body that claims to do the work for you is likely not even good for you. Even something as extreme as surgery has some pretty intense risks and won't work in the long run if you don't change how you eat.

The ONLY way to get fit, is to change. PERIOD.

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