Other Great Resources

I am most certainly not the only blog with helpful info, so here is a list of some of the blogs I follow and the books I've read that help me continue along my journey. I'll be adding to this a lot very soon! I believe in order to achieve great things, you have to have a positive attitude. In order to do that, you need to surround yourself and fill your mind with positive ideas. I highly recommend reading motivational books. It sounds kinda cheesy (and perhaps it is) but it really does get you pumped and motivated. Sometimes the biggest thing you can do for yourself is realize that you are the only thing standing in your way.


  • "American Sniper"- Chris Kyle- it's eye-opening and it is humbling. I highly recommend this book for anyone, it's even better than the movie. 
  • "Girl Code" by Cara Alwill Leyba- It's more focused on entrepreneurship and small business but honestly it has relevant themes for any woman. It's about being a go-getter and being fearless in your pursuits while also being a good person. 
  • "Fearless and Fabulous"- Cara Alwill Leyba- all about conquering fear 
  • "How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People"- Les Giblin- all about being a people-person 
  • "How Full is Your Bucket"- Tom Rath
  • "You are a Badass" - Jen Sincero- all about tapping into your inner badass, banishing the phrase, "I can't" and being the best version of yourself that you can be. 


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