Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What to pack for BMT

I am packing pretty lightly but there are a few things I really wanted to pick out ahead of time. Here is the most current packing list. :)

I am bringing things in my own black tactical bag, but we will be issued a new one at BMT. I'm good with that, I didn't buy this backpack solely for BMT, I got it for hiking and it has had a lot of love, so I'm pretty stoked about getting a new one!

I am bringing:

  • important documents- all in an "accordion" folder including but not limited to my SS card, copies of my husband's and kid's SS cards, actual certified copy of my marriage license, my actual birth certificate, copies of my kid's and husband's birth certificates, sealed official copies of my college transcripts, etc. 
  • drivers license, DoD dependent ID, and $20 cash 
  • toiletries- travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, and q-tips (again, these are all issued, but I need them during the hotel stay)
  • conservative makeup- mineral foundation, eyebrow pencil, small tube of concealer and facial moisturizer. That's it, nothing else. I'm going to have my husband ship the rest of my makeup to me once I'm at tech school.  I'm only bringing these with the hope that I'll be permitted to use them for photos and graduation. 
  • full-sized tooth brush (this is supplied to us now, but I need it for the hotel stay the night before anyway, and it can't hurt to have an extra on hand)
  • feminine hygiene stuff- it was recommended to me to bring 2 week's worth 
  • 2 t-shirts, 2 extra pairs of pants (including a pair of nice khakis, as jeans are not authorized for wearing on the way to tech school), 3 pairs of socks 
  • 7 pairs of black conservative underwear, my recruiter calls these "granny panties" but they don't have to be briefs like what elderly women wear, lol, as long as they are conservative. No thongs or other revealing cuts. 
  • 7 sports bras and one "regular" underwire t-shirt bra for wearing with blues
  • 3 pairs of black compression shorts- I may purchase more at the BX upon arrival but I was told 3 would be enough 
  • lint-removing sticky roller (It isn't on the list, but I know I'll want to keep my blues lookin' sharp)  
  • mini notebook and one blue pen (we will be issued a regular notebook and pens, so I don't see the point in bringing more) 
  • shower shoes- the ones that are issued are one-size-fits-all and I wanted a pair that fits my feet. They are plain, black flip flops, no decorative straps, just plastic. 
  • phone charger
  • hair ties, hair pins, bobby pins and a bun-maker all in the color of my hair 
  • sewing kit- I have a tiny mini ABU repair kit that I got from our BX 
  • small photo album with some photos
  • One black "business casual" button down shirt, apparently newly graduated Airmen are wearing business casual civvies on the way to tech school instead of their uniform. I'm assuming it's a security thing, because I think they used to be required to travel in uniform. 
  • I will be wearing my running shoes at MEPS, just one less thing to pack 
They are phasing out web belts in favor of black tactical backpacks (yay!!! This is good news!) and the backpack comes with a ton of stuff. You get all of it and you have to pay for all of it, regardless of whether or not you use all of it. It's in your best interest to try not to pack doubles. I've packed a few things that are issued, but I have specific reasons for doing so.

Members will be provided a backpack upon arrival as part of the Backpack Initiative which will have the below items provided. Member’s pay for the backpacks out of their initial clothing allowance. The backpacks are provided to make the process smoother. Members will be able to purchase any additional items needed during their flights initial shopping run at the Base Exchange (BX) upon arrival. If you have any further questions you may contact your local recruiters for further information and guidance.
Backpack Initiative –Issued Upon Arrival
1 Laundry bag -$ 7.30
4 Mesh Bags -$ 15.96
1 Pad Lock -$ 3.95
2 Writing Pens -$1.30
2 Black Sharpies -$ 1.89
4 Brown Towels -$ 10.00
4 Blousing straps -$ 2.00
1 Flashlight -$ 9.30
ID card Holder -$ 5.25
1 Toothbrush -$ 0.79
1 Toothpaste $ 2.49
1 Toothbrush Case -$ 1.35
1 Dental Floss -$ 0.99
1 Foot Powder -$ 2.90
1 Deodorant -$ 2.89
1 Laundry Detergent -$ 4.45
1 BX Trash Bags -$ 1.79
Nail Trimming Kit -$ 3.99
1 Canteen -$ 3.40
1 Storage Container -$ 5.99
1 Backpack -$ 44.85
1 Reflective belt -$ 5.95
2 Silver Sharpie -$ 2.99
1 Ruler -$ 0.29
1 Highlighters -$ 1.99
1 Note Pad -$ 0.99
1 BK Stamps -$ 9.80
1 BX Envelopes -$ 1.29
1 “3 in 1” Soap -$ 2.95
Shower Shoes -$ 1.10
Backpack initiative –w/ backpack: $165 -$177
NOTE: This is due to availability of products listed above. If an item is unavailable, PRC staff will provide a list of those items that will be picked up at the flights Initial BX Run. The cost maybe higher/lower based on product name.
I am not bringing a phone card, as I plan on buying one at the BX when I arrive. I couldn't find any at my local wal-mart or my BX, apparently they are just a rarity these days. :P It's on the list that my recruiter gave me, but I've been told I can get it at the BX at lackland, so I'm not going to bother with it now. 

So.... that is what I'm bringing with me. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. Pack very light, as anything you bring that is not authorized can either get you into trouble or just cause you to have extra crap to lug to tech school with you. Have a loved one ship it to tech school or bring it on a visit rather than trying to keep it at BMT.

Leave ALL expensive stuff home. Fancy watches, expensive jewelry, etc... leave it at home. I'm not even wearing earrings. I am bringing the absolute bare minimum. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I have picked many brains about this in order to get a good idea of what to bring, and I've also read Aim High Erin's blog post about BMT packing. Best of luck! 

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