Thursday, November 10, 2016


After months of waiting and months of completing new tests and having my poor doctor take care of stuff at the drop of a hat... after a full year since I first spoke to my enlisted accessions recruiter... My SG level waiver has been approved!!!! What that means is, I am cleared for military service in the Air Force. 

After all of the effort, tears, frustration, patience and the rest of my crazy mix of feelings, I am allowed the enormous privilige to serve the United States of America as an Airman (after earning it at BMT of course). I have no idea when I'll ship, I am assuming it won't be very soon since everyone I've talked to lately has waited quite a while to ship. 

However, it is time to kick some SERIOUS butt in fitness and nutrition. It's hard to keep up motivation preparing for something you "hope" will happen, but this is happening! Now I need to really focus and take extra good care of this body of mine so that I can be strong and prepared for BMT. Yesterday I worked out while imagining an MTI yelling at me. That sounds kind of silly, but honestly, I thought to myself, "If there was an MTI here, would this cut it? Am I giving it my all or am I phoning it in?" Anyway, it was a killer workout. 

I just wanted to post an update and let everyone who follows this blog know I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth! The last few months, I've just been trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do if I didn't get in. I spent so much time trying to enlist that I was feeling kind of lost. I literally had applied to dozens of jobs in my area trying to start my career (I have a Bachelor's in Business). 

My recruiter's phone call came at the perfect time. I was feeling low because I had been passed over for a REALLY good job. After her phone call tons of emails appeared in my inbox, "Thank you for applying, but we've decided to go with more qualified candidates."

Sayonara civilian world (for now). I finally have something I wanted far more than any job. Serving in the Air Force, for me, isn't about the benefits or the pay. It's about the unique experiences, the discipline and over all the privilege to serve my country. It's about developing myself into the best version of me. It's about doing something I've always wanted to do but thought my chance had passed. 

Now, time for a run! 

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