Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I'm Megan, I'm 28, almost 29 and the mommy of two beautiful boys (each of which were very big babies!!!). I used to weigh just a pound or two shy of 170 and I'm 5'2" tall. I am now down to 142 and counting thanks to a lot of hard work and a commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. My story is a lot like most people's. I have always been a little bit "husky", but I gained a lot in college, and I have gone up and down over the years through pregnancy.

I have faced a lot of self-esteem issues, as many overweight people do. I have cried in fitting rooms because I had to go up ANOTHER size. I have dreaded having to go somewhere because I felt like I couldn't look nice. I have felt ugly when I saw my reflections starting back at me.

My story is kind of a long one, so I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I am on  weight loss journey, 28 pounds down from my heaviest. I started out with just running and lost the first 19 pounds on my own and I hit this frustrating plateau. I FINALLY broke out of that plateau when I started Insanity at my local gym, and have lost an additional 9 pounds. I sincerely believe I needed the intensity and change of pace that Insanity offers. I LOVE the classes, both live and on dvd!!

I still have about 15-20 pounds to go to be at what I believe will be my idea weight. I am so stoked to be seeing progress again though! It's hard to stick with something and "trust the process" if you can't seem to budge. Insanity and Shakeology have changed my outlook.

I started out as just a beachbody discount coach. I wanted to lose weight and focus on my own journey, but as I've seen success, I've realized how amazing it would be to help other people have their own success in their journeys. I decided I was all in, I want to help other people meet their goals while I finish mine.

These are incredible products!!! With so many fun and engaging programs to choose from and an amazing nutrition shake called shakeology, you WILL see success too. It's not a gimmick or a quick fix, it involves commitment, hard work and dedication to reach your goals. You will need to learn to eat healthy. You will need to work hard and challenge your body to change. You will need to make sure your body gets the nutrition it needs.

I will continue to be living proof that these programs work. I WILL lose the rest of my excess weight and get in peak physical shape. Do you want to join me? What have you really got to lose? You are worth taking the chance on. You are worth giving it your best shot. If you HATE the programs and you drink all of your shakeology and it does nothing for you, return them for a money-back guarantee.
There is NOTHING standing in your way except yourself. You have the power to change yourself. If you commit and you give it everything you've got, you can change. I have hypothyroidism (metabolism like molasses and an uncanny ability to pack on pounds in a short period of time), I'm nearly 30 and I've had two kids. If I can see success, so can you!!! 

Follow me on my journey, read as long as you wish. It is YOUR choice to contact me or not, but I invite you along to just read and see what I'm doing. Find out if it's going to work or not. Watch me commit, watch me struggle, watch me shrink and watch me change, and if you decide at some point that you're ready to commit to yourself, send me an email at or visit my beachbody site.

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