Monday, April 25, 2016

3 ingredient HEALTHY Peanut Butter Cups

I have a weakness for chocolate, and I know I'm not alone. I love peanut butter cups, but I don't love the processed gunk that comes with them or the high amounts of sugar. I needed a guilt-free alternative to have when the craving strikes.

BEHOLD!!!! Guilt-free peanut butter cups. It's a thing.

3 Ingredients are:

  • Coconut Oil 
  • Chocolate Protein Powder or Chocolate Shakeology- I used Beachbody Performance Protein Powder because I didn't have chocolate shakeology on hand
  • All-natural peanut butter- don't be fooled, look at the ingredients. It should be very simple, "roasted peanuts and salt". Most peanut butters have tons of stuff added and it just isn't necessary or good for you. Don't be fooled by "natural" labels, read the label carefully first. 

Melt about 2-3 TSP of coconut oil in a microwave safe container. Add protein powder/shakeology to the cocout oil until it has the consistency of melted chocolate, it isn't exact, just make sure it's not too thin and runny. I used about 2 scoops of protein powder.

Once it is mixed well, spoon or carefully pour enough of the mixture into cupcake cups to coat the bottom. I used 4 paper cupcake cups. Next, spoon about a tablespoon of peanut butter in each cup. It doesn't have to look perfect or be laid out just right, it can be a little hunk on top. I promise it will still be delicious.

Lastly, pour the remaining mixture over the tops. Try to make them equal so they're all the same size. Now put them on a plate or a small cookie sheet and freeze them for 15-20 minutes or until firm. I would let them warm just slightly in room temp before you try to eat them. Store in the fridge! (It's important to store them in the fridge because if your kitchen gets too warm, they'll melt very easily!)

Voila! A healthy treat for when you just need to tame the sweet tooth!!! They are so easy and sooooo delicious!!!! Enjoy!

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