Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What is your "Why"???

You've probably heard this term before. In ANYTHING you want to accomplish in life, literally ANY goal, you must have a "Why"! You must have a solid, clear, motivating idea as to why you want to succeed. If you just absently think, "I just want to look hot", chances are you aren't going to stick with it. Your brain will think, "Oh, what is hot anyways? I'm already hot!". Don't leave your reasons up to interpretation. Form solid reasons that will carry you through ANYTHING. Form reasons that pop into your mind when you're about to quit and get you to push forward anyway. 

My "why" for fitness encompasses a lot of things across all aspects of my life. I want to be around a long time for my family. I have children who look up to me and need me to set a good example. I want to look good in my clothes and feel good about myself. I want to be strong and toned. I want to inspire others. I want to prove to other people that this can be done. 

Also, I want to join the military. I have been at this for about 2 years now. First, I applied to Officer Training School, and now I am working on enlisting since my degree isn't in high demand for OTS. I'm awaiting medical paperwork and I'm TERRIFIED of being disqualified. However, I promised myself that I would see this through. I promised myself that I wouldn't give up. Even if I get disqualified, I would have given this every ounce of my determination and know without a doubt that I did my absolute best.

This has been my major "why". Every time I push "play" and do a workout and every time I step outside for a run, I think to myself about the kind of shape I need to be in. If I go to BMT I need to be in excellent physical condition in order to excel on PT tests. Every time I think about giving up, I think about an MTI barking at me and putting me on my face (that means extra push-ups). I can't quit, because I wouldn't be allowed to quit if I joined. That is what motivates me to keep pushing myself as hard as I can. 

The video I hoped to share is only on facebook, and can be viewed publicly HERE

However, since that is only available on facebook, here is another good one. It's hard to put into words why I want to be an Airman, but the simplest way is to say that I want to be a small piece of a much larger picture. My job is going to be some kind of admin. Yup... that's right, I'll be a "nonner", that is, someone unrelated to any flight crew jobs. However, I will be a piece of the puzzle. I will go above and beyond to do my job as efficiently as possible so that I ensure that others are able to do their jobs. It's a ripple effect. People make fun of the overall Air Force, using terms like "Chair Force", but I believe with all my heart that all the branches are absolutely imperative, and that we work together to be the best military in the world. I want to be one piece of that. I want to defend my family and other families like mine. I want to look back on my life and know without a doubt that I did my part to keep this country safe and sound. 

So, I am going to ask you again.... What is YOUR "Why"? Why do you get up every morning? Why do you do anything that you do? Are your actions taking you closer or further from your dreams?

What is your "Why"? 

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