Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hammer and Chisel starts tomorrow!!!!

I have come a long way. I am 5'2. I started out at 168-170 and that was only when I was willing to weigh myself, so I quite possibly weighed more.

Here is a photo of me from my wedding in 2008. I look like a different person, I am hanging out around 170. In the photo on the right, I am at about 150. Big difference!!!!

Here is another "in progress" photo. On the left, I'm about 165, on the right, about 150.

And here is where I'm at today. I still have a ways to go, but I feel so much better than I did before I started to eat right and exercise. Thanks to Insanity, I have awesome endurance, a stronger core (super important to me since I've had two HUGE babies!), and I'm stronger overall. I'm excited to see what 2016 brings me!!! 

I want to get to a healthy weight which for my height is 135. 10 more pounds. I CAN do this!!!

I started the nutrition program for Hammer and Chisel ahead of time to get used to it so I didn't feel so overwhelmed. I started at 149 when I began the program, and I have already lost 4 pounds in just under a week!!! Some of that is likely water weight, but just based on how I feel, I'm sold!!!! I am a foodie. I love food. However, the Hammer and Chisel nutrition program (very similiar to 21 day fix as far as nutrition), is changing my outlook. I thought I ate healthy. I have decided to trust the pros and follow this program to a T. In just a matter of days, I have realized that you can do ANYTHING with a salad. It is not boring in the least. In fact, I look forward to each new meal because it is so colorful, fresh and fulfilling.

So that's where I'm at. I finished insanity. I have really great endurance, and I lost 8 pounds, but it is time to lose the rest. It is time to not only lose body fat but to get lean and strong.

New year, improved me. :)

If you are interested in joining me (and my husband!), we are participating in a facebook challenge group on the 18th. You commit to a program challenge of your choice, pay $10 into the "pot" to join the group, check in to the group every few days for 30 days, and the 1st and 2nd place winners get the money from the pot. The winners will be decided by all the group participants based on who had the best transformation story.

This is a new year. It is the chance for you to stick with your resolution and make 2016 the healthiest year yet. It is a chance for you to join a group of people on the same journey, who face the same fears and temptations. We are all in this together, and it is up to you to take the first step. No one can do it for you. I can help you, but I can't make it happen for you. Just like I have to make it happen for myself, you have to commit to this and give it everything you've got.

If I can do this, I would venture to say that just about anyone can.

Email me at if you're interested! Also check out my instagram, my username is "Kesyermegan".

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